The most important thing about us is what we’re about. Above all, we’re about the gospel (the good news) of Jesus Christ, which is this:
God created humans to be with Him — to be in a loving relationship with Him, glorifying and enjoying Him forever.
We sinned against God, and our sin separates us from Him.
He is morally perfect, and each of us are evil (we lie, steal, lust, misuse his name, etc.) so we cannot have a relationship with Him.
Plus, because God is just, He will judge us for our sins—and justice demands that we be condemned to hell forever for our sins.
God became a human being, Jesus Christ, and died for the sins of the world.
Just as a criminal in court can be let go if someone else pays his fine, Jesus’ death paid the fine for our sins. Then, Jesus came back to life. Just as He rose from the dead, we can have new life.
Though we are guilty of sin and deserving of hell, we can be released from our penalty and once again have a relationship with God, glorifying and enjoying Him forever. This starts here on earth and continues for eternity in heaven.
We must repent from our sins and believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection.
The gift of salvation from hell, and eternal life with God, is available… but it’s not automatic. The only way to receive this gift is to trust entirely in Jesus Christ.
You can do nothing to be saved, but Jesus already did everything to save you. That’s why just before He died He said, “It is finished.”
Trust alone in Him, and you will have eternal life.
When God saves someone, He utterly changes that person. It’s what Jesus called being “born again.”
Someone who has been born again desires to live a life of obedience to God, including learning his Word (the Bible) and living in fellowship with his people (the Church).
That’s where a church like us comes in.
Established in 1962, Bashford Manor Baptist Church, was strategically founded in the City of West Buechel, in the heart of Louisville, KY. In the late 1990’s to early 2000’s the city suffered significant decline. As a result, many churches and businesses closed their doors. In more recent years the city has become home to refugees from the Middle East, West Africa, Burma, and other countries. This influx of new people groups has contributed to a revitalization of businesses in the area. Simultaneously, Muslim mosques and Hindu temples have moved into spaces once occupied by churches. This has left a need for a church in the area that is committed to preserving the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a sense God has brought the nations to our front door. We believe Bashford Manor Baptist Church has been preserved for such a time as this. Many of the refugees who have come to the City of West Buechel have fled from what can only be described as countries held hostage by the trappings of a false gospel. We believe the only possibility for true life changing transformation is by the power of the Holy Spirit, working through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see the the lives of the people God has brought to our doorsteps transformed by this gospel. We are confident that the church and the city will also experience transformation in the process.
Given the demographics of the community, and the conviction for a need for a multiethnic, and multigenerational church, we decided that a way forward is twofold. First, we have decided to allow church plants, and churches of other ethnicities to utilize our building for long term and short term goals. This benefits Bashford Manor Baptist Church in several ways. Opening up the building for increased traffic flow, is a proven strategy for transforming a church. Furthermore, it allows a small church to invest in other ministries. It also allows church plants an opportunity to incubate, with low overhead, prior to an official launch. Finally, it allows us to continue to minister as a small neighborhood church. The added benefit is that it results in multiple gospel influences. Second, as it relates to the multiethnic and multigenerational aspect of our own church transformation, we can lock arms with churches made up of the diverse backgrounds represented in our community. Through this model we can invest in the churches with a different majority dialect. This also provides us a unique opportunity to invest in the next generation, who are English speaking, through our newly formed Next Generation Ministry. This next generation represents the future of Bashford Manor Baptist Church. Under the rebranding of ‘the church.’ at Bashford Manor, we have the potential to continue as a staple in the community, as well as be a catalyst as a model for a way forward for other churches in need of transformation at home and abroad.
“a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...”
• proclamation. (Rom. 10:14-17)
• unite. (John 17:20-23)
• witness. (Acts 1:8)
The trend we have seen is that refugees are coming to the U.S., and West Buechel in particular, from other countries where they were held captive by a false gospel. The way we see it is that the Lord has brought them to our doorstep. We believe we have the freedom, the privilege, and the responsibility to ‘bear witness’ to the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. As such our core values are rooted in that gospel. The commitment to Gospel Proclamation, underscores the necessity to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in every setting. Gospel Unity, is characterized by fellowship with one another, with relationships firmly established on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Gospel Witness emphasizes the necessity to fulfill the Great Commission.