Our Pastor

Baptist Church Louisville KY 40218

Justin Miles, Lead Pastor

Justin has served as pastor of Bashford Manor Baptist Church since 2019. He has a heart for missions and the nations collectively represented in the city of West Buechel. During his time as pastor he has diligently worked to cast a vision for a church made up of every tribe tongue and nation, (Rev. 7:9).

Under his leadership we have been blessed to invest in church plants, becoming an incubator and springboard for other congregations. The Lord has used him to collectively build lasting relationships with Congolese, Kenyan, and Nepalese congregations in the city as a strategy for multicultural church growth.

He has been married to his beautiful wife Heather for 20 years. Together they have 6 children and 3 grandchildren. He holds an M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Boyce College. 

Contact: pastorjustin@bashfordmanorbaptist.com