What is the gospel?
The word "gospel" means "good news.” When we talk about the gospel, we're talking about the good news of Jesus Christ. Everything we do as a church is centered around this news. So what's the news? Simply put, it's this:
God created us humans to be with Him — to be in a loving relationship with Him, glorifying and enjoying Him forever.
We sinned against God, and our sin separates us from Him. He is morally perfect, and each of us are evil - we lie, steal, lust, misuse his name, etc. - so we cannot have a relationship with Him. Furthermore, because God is just, He will judge us for our sins — and justice demands that we be condemned to hell forever for our sins.
God became a human being, Jesus Christ, and died for the sins of the world. Just as a criminal in court can be let go if someone else pays his fine, Jesus’ death paid the fine for our sins. Then, Jesus came back to life. Just as He rose from the dead, we can have new life. Though we are guilty of sin and deserving of hell, we can be released from our penalty and have the relationship with God that we always should have had, glorifying and enjoying Him forever. This starts here on earth and continues for eternity in heaven.
We must repent from our sins and believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The gift of salvation from hell, and eternal life with God, is available, but it’s not automatic. The only way to receive this gift is to trust entirely in Jesus Christ. You can do nothing to be saved, but Jesus already did everything to save you. That’s why, just before He died, He said, “It is finished.” Trust alone in Him, and you will have eternal life.
When God saves someone, He utterly changes that person. It’s what Jesus called being “born again.” Someone who has been born again desires to live a life of obedience to God, including learning His Word (the Bible) and living in fellowship with His people (the Church).
That’s where a church like us comes in.