“The Word” in Psalm 119 - Pastor Robert Edwards

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Discipleship Pastor Robert Edwards

Psalms 119:105-112

"The Word is more than just words - it is purpose, power and authority.  The Word can revive you, guide you, teach you and is a way of escape from the Enemy.  

The Word can be your joy and inspiration to cause you to seek after God.  God's word heals, restores and brings life."

V. 105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path

     - lamps were small and just showed a step or two at a time.  Don't run ahead of God!

V. 108 Accept the willing praise of my mouth

    - God inhabits the praises of His people!

   - Praise Him all the time - not just in the good time!

   - Praising Him is giving a virtual hug!

V. 109 When I take my life in my hands, I'm constantly in danger

V. 111 Your Word is the joy of my heart

    - Only you can let someone take your joy away

   - The world didn't give you peace so the world can't take it away

   - Read Psalm 9

Jordan Stivers