Warriors of Worship - Pastor Robert Edwards

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Sunday Morning Sermon

Discipleship Pastor Robert Edwards

Luke 9:37-50

Warriors of Worship

Snapshot from someone sitting in the pew that morning:

As I reflect on Pastor Robert's message on Warriors of Worship from yesterday morning, I can't help but think of Kobe Bryant's untimely death. The world has been reminiscing about what made him a "warrior". Yes, he had God given talent, but what most of his sports peers are remembering is how hard he worked. How hard he practiced. How hard he worked to stay in physical shape. How hard he worked to be mentally tough. How hard he worked through injuries. How hard he worked to make amends to the damage he did to his family.

The Kobe quotes I've heard most recently are:

"I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't understand you. I don't want to understand you."

"I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success. Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses."

"Dedication sees dreams come true."

Kobe was a warrior.

So, what does that have to do with Jesus and his disciples? Jesus was training his disciples to be warriors, as Pastor Robert said, "Worship Warriors".

Are there comparisons to Kobe?

"Hard work" and "discipleship" are really the same thing. Believers don't say a magic prayer and instantly turn into the seasoned disciples Jesus wishes us to become. To become a Worship Warrior takes hard work spread out over a long time.

Pastor Robert laid out several guidelines seen in the bullet point outline below. One of those concepts is that to be a warrior for Jesus means I have to trust Jesus to have my back. Even when I act goofy like the disciples in the Bible passage from Pastor Robert's sermon. When I don't act like a Worship Warrior, Jesus still has my back...I find great solace knowing that Jesus has my back.

Jesus has MY back!

Outline - Luke 9:37-50

Definition of warrior - brave, experienced soldier overcoming challenges and adversities using psychological and physical skills

Jesus was training his disciples to be warriors

Basic Principle - how to be a warrior for Christ - trust and believe in Christ

vv. 38-43 Healing the boy with the evil spirit

-our enemy is not flesh and blood

-the battle is bigger than we can see

-we are in the battle in the valley

-we can fight the battle with God's strength

-we can't contribute anything to God's kingdom he doesn't already have

- have to recognize we are in a battle

-have to know the locality

- have to know who your commanding officer is

-not dependent on who you are

-have to know where your source is

-all warriors must follow the same commander but the warriors won't look alike

vv. 46-50 Who is the greatest?

-we must get outside of ourselves and stop being prideful about God's work

-to be great in the kingdom is to be like a child (not a teenager)

-the kingdom of God is not looking for superstars or super heroes, looking for servants

-Jesus said that whoever is least among them will be the greatest

-God's plan and purpose for the church is bigger than ours

-we cant' put God in our box or any box

-we must avoid tribalism: ethnic, gender, theological, generational, regional, class, political

- the standard is following the Lamb, not a donkey or elephant!